Meet Our Student Tour Guides!

Our amazing student tour guides are here to share their experience as Gators with prospective students and their families. They will show you the SF State campus through their own eyes. They will share with you anecdotes, our history, what they love the most about the University and why they love being a gator. 

Himaank Dabra

Himaank Dabra

My name is Himaank Dabra, and I am a San Francisco State University tour guide. I am from India, and as an international student, I have always been fascinated by the diverse culture, history, and landmarks that make San Francisco such a unique and exciting place to live and learn. I am a Sophomore studying Business Management as my major. I will pursue and start my own business after graduation, which has made me passionate about sharing my knowledge and experiences with prospective students and their families.

Raylene Moreno

Raylene Moreno

Hello! My name is Raylene (she/her), and I am a junior student majoring in Psychology. Growing up in the East Bay Area, I decided to transfer to SFSU because of the welcoming, diverse campus community. I also love taking classes at the campus wellness center, reading a book at the library, and attending various campus events. I hope to be a “Ray” of sunshine and that you love campus too!

Anni Welch

Anni Welch

Hi! My name is Anni Welch (they/them) and I’m a first year student majoring in Sociology and double minoring in Theater and Sexuality Studies. I’m from a small town in the foothills between Sacramento and Tahoe. I love rock climbing at our school’s wellness center, exploring the city, and getting involved in creative and social justice communities on campus. I’m grateful to be surrounded by peers and professors who are passionate about making the world a better place. I hope you love this campus and the people here as much as I do!

Lakshyaraj Bhati

Lakshyaraj Bhati

I’m Lakshyaraj Bhati; you can call me Lakshya. I’m a sophomore here at SFSU studying Computer Science. I’m an International Student from Jodhpur, India. As a Computer Science major, I want to be a software developer, and eventually, I would love to start my own company. I want to be a trillionaire. I chose SFSU because of the facilities they provide in my major, from computer labs to research projects. It is a very beautiful campus with many opportunities for everyone. The best part of working with UGAR is that I get to meet a lot of new people, primarily students who are trying to get into college, and it reminds me of the time when I was applying to colleges.

Lorena Mejia

Lorena Mejia

Hello, my name is Lorena Mejia, and I am a Criminal Justice Major. I am from Sacramento, and this is my first year attending SFSU. I have spent a lot of time in San Francisco, especially at a young age, so I have gained much love and knowledge about the city. I love that SFSU is diverse and has many resources for students. I am also a first-generation student in hopes of becoming an immigration lawyer in the future! I am always looking to find new places in the city and explore! I love that being a tour guide makes me knowledgeable about all the fun facts about our campus!

Isabella Campos

Isabella Campos

Hello!! My name is Isabella, and I am currently a 2nd year majoring in Criminal Justice. I decided to attend SFSU due to its immense diversity and beautiful city. SFSU has so much to offer its students regarding academics and life on campus. I encourage everyone to get involved with as much as possible while attending SFSU; that way, you make the most out of all the hard work and time you will put in while you go here. I love being a tour guide because it allows me to show others all our campus's great resources and fun events!

Ritesh Ritesh

Ritesh Ritesh

Hello! Call me Ritesh (aka best out of best). I am an Indian international student. I plan to work as a software engineer after I graduate, thus computer science is my major. San Francisco State offers a variety of opportunities for success in one's own positive approach. Additionally, SF State provides a unique bachelor's degree that is centered in my field of study. The campus community is always so welcoming that I never get the impression that I'm away from home. It's the finest a foreign student could hope for.


Dylan James Beck Gillespie

Dylan James Beck Gillespie

Hello, incoming students! Coming from an insider Gator, I, Dylan Gillespie, am one of your tour guides and a genie to hopefully answer all of your questions! I am studying Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences with a double minor in Special Education and Early Childhood Development. I wish to help others understand the determination and drive it takes to become a part of the Gator family and the amazing opportunities we offer. Thanks to many of our advisors, administrators, and professors,  I will finish my degree pathway a year early and enter graduate school before turning twenty-one! Hopefully, SF State will help you along your lifelong journey into the vast world. Go Gators!

Sara S. Collins

Sara S. Collins

Hello, my name is Sara Collins! I’m a sophomore at SFSU, majoring in classics and minoring in anthropology! I chose SFSU because of its amazing classics program, and it’s tendency to amplify marginalized voices. As the daughter of a female immigrant, growing up I wanted a place that felt like I belonged! In choosing SFSU I feel that I found a place with so much diversity and so much acceptance. This job has given me an opportunity to give back to a school that I feel has given me an irreplaceable sense of self.

Tyler Sheldon Daffron

Tyler Sheldon Daffron

Hello, my name is Tyler Daffron (they/them). I am a transfer student from Los Angeles. I am currently pursuing a degree in Cinema with a minor in Journalism. My goal is to make documentaries about social/environmental issues and eventually open up a foster home! I love to explore the beautiful city of San Francisco. There is so much history and culture here along with many beautiful nature spots. I hope to assist others in seeing all the wonderful opportunities SF State has. Everyday at this school I learn something new from the diverse group of students. I plan to share all that I learn with you on my tours so that you can see why you should join the Gator family!

Natalia L. Gomez

Natalia L. Gomez

Natalia Gomez. I’m a 3rd year who is studying anthropology and Art history. I love Crocheting and painting. I chose San Francisco State University because I love San Francisco, and I found our Anthropology department interesting.

Drish Singh Sethi

Drish Singh Sethi

Hey there! I am Drishdev Singh Sethi (Drish for short), an undergraduate sophomore at SF State and my pronouns are He/Him. I am pursuing a bachelors degree in Business Administration with Decision Sciences as my concentration. I chose SFSU for a chance to fall in love with the city of San Francisco as I love exploring and for the amount of diversity it offers. I am an international student and have been in a boarding school for a major part of my life which really made me meet people from all areas of life, geographically too. The same sense of diversified culture can be experienced here at SFSU!

Becca Wilson

Becca Wilson

Hi! I’m Becca Wilson, (any pronouns), a senior majoring in Sociology. I am also really interested in cinema, my minor. I went to SF State because it offers a wide variety of majors and classes to figure out what you want to do, maybe something you never expected to. The people here are dedicated to helping the students do whatever they set their minds to. That, and being located in San Francisco means it is a bus ride away from all sorts of exciting places.

Jamal Howard

Jamal Howard

Hello, everyone. My name is Jamal Howard, and I'm a first-year student at SFSU. I'm majoring in International Business and minoring in Communications. I chose SFSU because of its breathtaking views and unique historical aspects that make it stand out. My favorite spot on campus is the second floor of the Cesar Chavez building, where you can watch the sunset over the quad and fog coming in. I became a tour guide to showcase the fascinating stories and facts that SFSU has to offer to everyone.